In a competitive market where differentiating your company is the key to success, competitive intelligence is everything. LinkedIn is the solution.
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Barry Deutsch
onto Social Selling May 29, 2013 2:51 PM
Does your sales team leverage LinkedIn to "Always Be Connecting". By now, it's well established that LinkedIn is a powerful tool for lead generation, lead nurturing, relationship building, content marketing, communicating with your prospects, engagement, and moving potential clients/customers along a path of buying.
Do all your sales reps have the knowledge and skills to use this tool and the hands-on mentoring to actually take the learning and apply it on a day-to-day sales level?
My experience has been that very few companies selling products and perhaps even fewer on the service side have any clue where to begin. Most companies are still stuck in a 1970s mode of cold-calling for new leads - MAJOR FAIL.
I've presented to a wide variety of banks, law firms, benefit consultants, media buying firms - the full list covers a broad spectrum of companies - the percentage of companies effectively using LinkedIn as a sales tool is probably a little shy of a microscopic percentaqe.
When will you being to leverage this effective platform as another tool in your sales quiver?
Barry Deutsch
Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media
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