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Barry Deutsch
onto Social Selling February 17, 2013 9:50 PM
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Miklos Szilagyi's curator insight,
April 18, 2013 12:16 AM
Did you know the "secret" how digital marketing changes the world? One brick to the wall... embedded is a White paper about the "dirty little secret"... |
My greatest take-away from this blog article was the following out of the 5 key points mentioned:
"Referrals Require a System. Attorneys need to create a referral strategy that includes a process for making referrals happen, a way to educate referral sources and a solid follow-up program. Once that is in place, you just need to operate the system."
Although the article was focused on attorneys, it could have been directed at any coach, consultant, advisor, or personal service provider.
It's at the heart of the coaching I do within the Vistage and TEC Chair community, teaching how to make referrals a system and process that requires very little time to run on a daily basis. The set-up can be time consuming, but once it's in place, you've got a system to generate an abundance of warm to hot leads - practically on an automatic basis.
Referrals are too hard to generate on "one-off" approach - I work when I can mentality. Why not create a system that keeps putting great referrals into the top of your funnel with very little effort?
Have you taken the first step to make generating referrals a system and process?
Barry Deutsch
Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs
Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?