Social Selling
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Social Selling
Social Media provides a vehicle for leveraging sales, marketing, lead generation, lead nurturing, referrals, customer and client engagement. Very few companies are effectively leveraging these tools. Most are still operating in time-wrap bubble that dates back several decades. Learn the key steps of using social media for marketing and sales if you're in sales, marketing, business development, or responsible for closing business.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Sales Success
May 16, 2012 1:00 PM!

The Difference between Suspects, Prospects and Sales

The Difference between Suspects, Prospects and Sales | Social Selling |

If you were to ask most salespeople about the quality of the leads they get from marketing, they would probably tell you that they are suspects at best. And of course that depends on what your definition of what a suspect is.

Via Greg Ferguson
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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Lead Generation & Sales Prospecting
May 16, 2012 12:00 PM!

Prospecting is a combination of having the right message and ...

Prospecting is a combination of having the right message and ... | Social Selling |
It is an always an interesting discussion when we talk about Prospecting. Unless you have “Game Changing” product, you are always, to some degree, playing a numbers game. Based on a large population of Prospects that ...

Via Jim Conard
Belinda Summers's comment, January 3, 2013 5:30 PM
Agree to this Jim. Right message + consistency is the key in getting more prospects and turning them into the real deal.